Agrabah the mythical country in the Disney film Aladdin. Credit: Disney Studios.

Agrabah the mythical country in the Disney film Aladdin.
Credit: Disney Studios.

A Public Policy Poll released today asked GOP primary voters, among other things, if they would support bombing Agrabah, the fictional country from the 1993 Disney film Aladdin. Thirty percent said yes while only 13 percent of Republicans oppose bombing a nation that doesn’t exist and therefore could not be a threat to anyone in this dimension let alone the United States. To be fair, 19 percent of Democrats said they would favor bombing Agrabah, Buzzfeed reports.

The candidate with the most supporters who want to bomb Agrabah is Donald Trump, with 41 percent saying they support the assault on the infamous cartoon stronghold.

The question provides a fascinating window into how Islamophobia shapes our foreign policy. That almost a third of Republicans support bombing a Muslim-sounding country that does not, in fact, exist displays the degree to which an across-the-board dislike of Muslims and Arabs informs our current political culture. It is not […]

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