Stephan: As I have written before when my late wife, Hayden, was dying of colo-rectal cancer, every single physician or nurse with whom we interacted would at some point, ask me to step into the hall and say some variation of, 'I can't say this to you on the record, but find some way to get some marijuana. It will make all this much easier for your wife, and she will keep eating longer, which is important.' I did, and she did, and it made a tremendous difference. Now this unofficial truth has become official.
In a poll by the well-respected New England Journal of Medicine released today, more than three out of four doctors recommended medical cannabis for a hypothetical late-stage breast cancer patient.
‘We were surprised by the outcome of polling and comments, with 76% of all votes in favor of the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes - even though marijuana use is illegal in most countries,