Friday, November 8th, 2013
Editor’s Note – Maps of the Future
Stephan: I can't do graphics on SR, the programming will not permit it. But today I came across maps you really must see. They show what sea rise is going to do to the coastlines. It won't happen in your lifetime, at least the full impact won't, but by the time your grandchildren are your age there will be a long list of major cities -- Washington, Baltimore, London, Stockholm, and Venice that will no longer
exist or, like San Francisco, Copenhagen, or St. Petersburg will become islands. Whole countries like, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Bengladesh will mostly or completely simply disappear beneath the waves. And the temperature will be almost 80 degrees fundamentally changing the vegetation, and creating large areas where habitation by humans will be exceedingly difficult. This is our future. We can lie to ourselves about it, but Nature isn't listening.
Click through to see these National Geographic maps.