Follow up letter from Rosemary Mason MB ChB FRCA to Sir Harry Burns, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland regarding Glyphosate and an increased incidence of both human and animal disease.
Dear Sir Harry,
Two months ago I wrote to you as Chief Medical Officer for Scotland about the epidemics of obesity, type 2 diabetes and autism that were reported in Scotland during the course of 2013. A reply does not seem to be forthcoming.
On 21st October I copied an email to you in which I addressed Prof Jonathan Jones and the BBC about their lack of knowledge about the actions of glyphosate on humans and animals.
After Samsel and Seneff published their paper: Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases[i], US mathematician and physicist Dr Nancy Swanson took crop and glyphosate data from the US Department of Agriculture and Disease Data from the US Centers for Disease Control. She found that thyroid cancer (incidence), liver cancer (incidence), diabetes, (prevalence and incidence), autism (prevalence), Alzheimer’s (deaths), Parkinson’s (deaths), Dementia (deaths), intestinal infection, inflammatory bowel disease and peritonitis were linked […]