We have an extraordinarily long list this time around, and it took extra time to compile it and sort through it, which accounts for its late publication. New Year’s Eve, like July 4th, is like Black Friday for GunFAIL. Brand-new guns are given as gifts for Christmas (at least one of which went off and shot the gift giver this week), a little extra drinking is going on, the kids are home from school for days or even weeks at a stretch, hunting season is in full swing, and of course, there’s the “traditional” New Year’s celebratory gunfire. (Respect the culture, please.) As a result, we saw a whopping 23 kids accidentally shot last week, including eight preteens. Just two of them were hit by New Year’s Eve random gunfire, however. It was a busy week for the kids, even without that.
New Year’s Eve, of course, is in a class all by itself. As near as I could tell from available reports, five people were shot by random, celebratory gunfire in Los Angeles, CA; San Antonio, TX; Hebbronville, TX; Newport News, VA; and Gadsden, AL. New Year’s Eve revelers also blasted into at least 15 homes this week and […]