Pat Robertson believes that watching horror films gives demons direct ‘permission” to attack you. The octogenarian televangelist responded to a viewer who told him that she had been watching ‘a horror movie the other day on the recommendation of others” and a few days later got into ‘an accident leaving church.” She asked Robertson (God only know why) if the ‘creepy movie caused a curse – or the Lord’s protection to be lifted from me?”

Robertson, of course, went for it, and suggested that by choosing to watch the “creepy movie” might have given a demon ‘permission” to possess her – or to cause a car wreck. Or something.

‘This thing may be living around you and what you need to do again is speak it – command this thing to leave – and ask God to forgive you. I know that’s weird but these things can happen.”

Pity he didn’t mention anything about ‘The Exorcist.”

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