It’s time to let them go.
Over the past few years, it’s become increasingly clear that as long as far-right crazies and ultra-conservatives in Washington are preaching policies that eat away at the very ideals our nation was built on, the American Dream will remain out of reach for millions of Americans.
So, if we want to have any chance at taking back the American Dream, we should just let those far-right crazies and ultra-conservatives running around Washington and in the red states have their dream of their own country.
Let them secede and start their own far-right Any Rand-inspired paradise.
Cliven Bundy, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, Ted Nugent, Shawn Hannity and the rest of America’s far-right wingers can all move to west Texas, and create a country of their own, free from the “tyrannical” influences of the US government. They can even call this new Ayn Rand-inspired country “Galt’s Gulch.”
They can run around firing off their guns, not paying taxes, and defying authority all they like.
Meanwhile, the rest of us back in America will get back to rebuilding the American Dream that Reaganomics has largely torn apart.
But as Nicholas Kristof points out over at The New York Times, we may have to rename […]