Religious right broadcaster Kevin Swanson agreed with one of his guests that Abraham Lincoln imposed socialism on the United States during the ‘war against the South” – more commonly known as the Civil War.

Swanson hosted neo-Confederate author Walter Kennedy last month on his radio program, reported Right Wing Watch, where the pair argued the Republican Party had been founded by ‘radical socialists and communists.”

‘The Democrats, both Northern and Southerners, believed in limited government, and the Marxists hated that concept,” Kennedy said. ‘They wanted to do away with states’ rights and limited government so that they’d have one big all-powerful indivisible government that could force its will upon the American people.”

The broadcaster – who has argued the Disney hit movie ‘Frozen” was a satanic tool for indoctrinating girls to become lesbians – agreed with his guest, saying Lincoln and Mark Twain helped ruin the U.S. by replacing Southern slavery with socialist slavery.

‘It’s the socialist utopians that come into town and they promise deliverance from local fiefdoms, only to create a large tyranny in the Soviet Union, Soviet America and Soviet China and Soviet everywhere else in the world,” Swanson said.

Kennedy – who has written books such as ‘Lincoln’s Marxists” and the […]

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