Count this among the 10 things nobody ever expected to see in their lifetimes: 700 Club founder Pat Robertson, one of the cornerstone figures of America’s Christian right movement, has come out in favor of legalizing marijuana.
Calling it getting ‘smart’ on crime, Robertson aired a clip on a recent episode of his 700 Club television show that advocated the viewpoint of drug law reformers who run prison outreach ministries.
A narrator even claimed that religious prison outreach has ‘saved’ millions in public funds by helping to reduce the number of prisoners who return shortly after being released.
‘It got to be a big deal in campaigns: ‘He’s tough on crime,’ and ‘lock ’em up!” the Christian Coalition founder said. ‘That’s the way these guys ran and, uh, they got elected. But, that wasn’t the answer.’
His co-host added that the success of religious-run dormitories for drug and alcohol cessation therapy present an ‘opportunity’ for faith-based communities to lead the way on drug law reforms.
‘We’re locking up people that have taken a couple puffs of marijuana and next thing you know they’ve got 10 years with mandatory sentences,’ Robertson continued. ‘These judges just say, they throw up their hands and say nothing we can […]