SEARCY, ARK. - Attacks leveled at those of faith represent a great threat against America, a federal appeals court judge said at Harding University. Judge Janice Rogers Brown, a member of the Silver Spring, Md., church, spoke on ‘Faith and Freedom’ as part of Harding’s American Studies Institute lecture series. ‘In my view, Christianity at its best is the foundation of reason and liberty,’ said Brown, a judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. ‘The true American religious tradition, the one that disciplines power, subjugating it to reason, truth and, ultimately, an all-powerful God, is not a threat to liberty but its best defender.’ Brown said those who attack the religious right ‘essentially argue (that) the true American religion demands acceptance of, indeed submission to, a common political vision - their vision.’ In the 20th century, secular humanism crept into American and Western governments, promising openness and tolerance for diverse groups, religions and philosophies, she said. ‘What we got was narrow positivism, moral relativism and the totalitarian reign of the radical multiculturalist,’ Brown said. ‘It promised peace. What we got was a process of permanent revolution, tumult, strife and […]

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