California Gov. Jerry Brown  Credit: AP Photo/Ben Margot

California Gov. Jerry Brown
Credit: AP Photo/Ben Margot

California Gov. Jerry Brown’s unprecedented fourth term in office is going to be all about fighting climate change.

In an inaugural address delivered Monday afternoon, the governor celebrated the “bold commitments to sustain our environment, help the neediest and build for our future” made since he first took office 40 years ago, and announced his intentions to push those reforms further, with an emphasis on environmental goals.

Specifically — and in a move that’s already being hailed by environmental groups — Brown pledged to help California derive a full 50 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030. That’s a big step up from the state’s already commendable mandate for utilities to purchase a third of their energy from renewables by 2020, which it’s already on track to meet.

“We must demonstrate that reducing carbon is compatible with an abundant economy and human well-being,” Brown said. And despite being a leader in environmental policies, he added, what California’s been able to […]

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