Thursday, January 29th, 2015
Stephan: Carbon energy will not surrender its grip on our wallets without a fight, particularly where Theocratic Rightists control state government. Here is the latest from Indiana; it illustrates my point. It's a red value state of course, with a Republican controlled legislature. Indiana like Kansas is only going to change when voters change. People in Red value state don't hurt enough yet, because they keep voting for this kind of state government. Ultimately I think this is a manifestation of the Great Schism Trend, and is going to play out by the Red and Blue states -- representing states of consciousness -- dividing into two standards of living.
HB 1320 is not fair to current and future owners of rooftop solar and small-scale wind, and threatens to drive up costs for all ratepayers—not just those who own solar—by allowing utilities to increase everyone’s fixed monthly charges to feed their bottom line.
Despite poll after poll showing that Americans want more clean energy, Indiana legislators are pushing bills that would reduce energy efficiency and make it harder for Hoosier state residents to go solar, just as the solar industry is getting on its feet in the state.
Last week, Indiana’s Senate Utilities Committee heard from a packed room about its bill that would let utilities set energy efficiency goals. Last year the state decided to end the popular Energizing Indiana efficiency program. Now some in the legislature have created Senate […]