George Mason University Credit:

George Mason University

By now, it’s common knowledge that the Koch Brothers more or less own the Republican Party – having spent twice as much in election 2012 as the top ten unions combined.

But a lesser-known aspect of Koch influence is their spending on ideological warfare. The Kochs not only spend big in our elections, but they also finance a network of think tanks, advocacy campaigns, and even educational curricula in order to spread their message.

One example is George Mason University (GMU). Last year, a group of students protested the fact that the Charles Koch Foundation, which is the university’s single largest donor, has given at least $23 million to the school since 2005. (emphasis added)

This week, a GMU professor gave a speech on a topic that could’ve come right out of the Kochs’ ideology – why we need “less democracy.”

Dr. Garett Jones, professor of Economics and BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, gave a lecture on the […]

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