obesity-obese-overweight-1000x620Apart from experiencing the vicious cycle of improper eating habits, people who are extremely obese have a very slim chance of returning to a normal weight. (emphasis added)

This is according to a research team from King’s College London, whose recent study looked into health data of close to 280,000 people in the U.K. diagnosed with obesity. Results of the study, which was published in the American Journal of Public Health and reported in a news release, revealed that people who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above have difficulty getting their target weights — that is, only one in every 1,290 males and 1 in 477 females can achieve this monumental feat.

Study first author Dr. Alison Fildes emphasized how important it is for people to lose weight. “Losing 5-10% of your body weight has been shown to have meaningful health benefits and is often recommended as a weight loss target,” (emphasis added) Fildes said. However, the study confirmed the challenge that extremely obese people have to go through. “These findings highlight how difficult it […]

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