Saturday, September 5th, 2015
Stephan: I knew when Senator Sanders announced his candidacy that the Fox propaganda operation (so like the Soviets it is eerie) would bash or ignore him. What I had not anticipated was that MSNBC and CNN would abandon all semblance of balance and become the Trump Networks. It is quite amazing, turn on either network, they have become clones of each other, and you either get Donald Trump or the disgusting prison porn with which they fill up much of their time. I think they have a rule that Sanders is to get 15 seconds of coverage per day and otherwise it is Trump with a dollop of Clinton which, I guess, is what they mean by balance. I have quit listening to either of them after a month of this. The pictures run in case something comes up but I turn the sound off, and just look up from time to time.
People, conservatives particularly, like to depict MSNBC and CNN as liberal outlets but the truth is they are owned by conservative individuals through the corporations they control, and clearly have made an editorial decision not to cover Sanders or discuss his proposals.
Sanders meanwhile continues to gain momentum and, if you listen to his speeches on CSPAN you see that he is making very specific proposals for wellness oriented policies, and I agree with every word I have heard.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt)
Who knew, when Bernie Sanders announced a run in the Democratic primary, that not only would he meet with hostility from his main opponent’s chief surrogates, but that the media would acquiesce and even collude to such a great degree?
When analyzing the quantity and content of the vast majority of what is said and written about Sanders, his campaign platform, and appearances, one finds a running theme across the so-called liberal media. The New York Times has been called out by more than one analyst, myself included, for its complete lack of serious coverage of Bernie Sanders.
Since joining the staff at the New York Times, Maggie Haberman has written about Sanders on fewer than a handful of occasions, while she has written about the other candidates in the race more often. While it is understandable that Hillary Clinton would be the subject of more numerous articles, it makes no sense for Martin O’Malley to have more articles written about him than Sanders, given the […]
Any real alternative will be eliminated. No surprise. Remember that Ross Perot got a call threatening his daughter when he became too popular.
I watch a lot of MSNBC and I totally agree that there is little to no coverage of Bernie. The media like to point out that Thrump and Carson are alternatives but in reality Bernie is the wider alternative to politics as usual. I still think he is influencing politics by speaking out and being heard by the internet and c-span.