Credit: Photo illustration by Juliana Jiménez. Photo by Thinkstock.

Credit: Photo illustration by Juliana Jiménez. Photo by Thinkstock.

It’s easy to get confused by the overly dramatic daily news about health and medicine. One day coffee is great for you, the next day it interferes with

sleep and leads to illness. One day the plague is back, the next day it’s Ebola or West Nile virus that’s capturing attention. Health care stories ebb and flow as seen through the skewed eye of TV news.

But every now and then, a story comes along that literally changes the way I and other doctors practice medicine. It is difficult to overstate the importance of such a story.

One of the clues that we are in the medical research big leagues is when a study is stopped early for dramatic, clear findings. That’s what occurred this past week with the National Institutes of Health–sponsored Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial, or SPRINT. Another clue is when the study is prospective (studying […]

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