You should be very afraid.
That was the overarching theme of Tuesday night’s Republican presidential candidates’ debate. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie warned that “everywhere is a target for terrorists.” Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson proclaimed that “our nation is in grave danger.” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz claimed, contrary to evidence, that America is “admitting jihadists as refugees.” Even moderator Wolf Blitzer got into the fear game, saying that “Americans are clearly more afraid today than at any time since 9/11.”
By the end of the night, it was tempting to collapse into the fetal position to await your inevitable demise at the hands of a terrorist.
The reality, however, is that domestic terror attacks are rare, and few Americans die from such attacks. According to CNN, “between 2001 and 2013, there were 3,030 people killed in domestic acts of terrorism.” That works out to about 253 deaths per year. By contrast, here are a list of ten common objects — many of which you could probably find in your own home! — that are more likely to kill you than a terrorist attack.
Swimming Pools
CREDIT: Shutterstock
The world runs on propaganda, which is what you saw in the debate. If you want to be effective in the world you need to get good at doing propaganda for your positions.