Farris Wilks, of the Wilks family in Cisco, Texas, is pictured. The Wilks family tops POLITICO's list of the top 100 donors. Credit: AP Photo

Farris Wilks, of the Wilks family in Cisco, Texas, is pictured. The Wilks family tops POLITICO’s list of the top 100 donors.
Credit: AP Photo

The 100 biggest donors of 2016 cycle have spent $195 million trying to influence the presidential election ― more than the $155 million spent by the 2 million smallest donors combined — according to a POLITICO analysis of campaign finance data. (emphasis added)

The analysis found that the leading beneficiaries of checks from the top 100 donors were Jeb Bush’s floundering campaign for the GOP nomination (a supportive super PAC received $49 million from donors on the list), Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton (super PACs dedicated to her raised $38 million from top 100 donors) and Ted Cruz’s insurgent GOP campaign ($37 million).

In fact, despite his attacks on his party’s donor class and establishment, Cruz, the Texas senator […]

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