Growing Underground’s list of produce is long and includes pea shoots, rocket, wasabi mustard, red basil and red amaranth, pink stem radish, garlic chives, fennel and coriander. Credit: Graeme Robertson/Guardian

Growing Underground’s list of produce is long and includes pea shoots, rocket, wasabi mustard, red basil and red amaranth, pink stem radish, garlic chives, fennel and coriander.
Credit: Graeme Robertson/Guardian

The UK’s first underground farm is protected from the vagaries of the weather but not, it turned out, from another perennial problem for farmers: trespassers.

The appearance of spray-painted squares on the floor of the former air raid shelters under Clapham in London mystified Steven Dring, co-founder of Growing Underground: “Then someone said to me ‘that’s where the speakers were going to go for a rave’.”

Stronger doors were quickly put in and the farm is now producing daily crops of herbs which go the the capital’s fresh produce market at New Covent Garden and a home delivery service. The aim of the company, said Dring, is to help […]

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