Credit: AP/Michael Conroy

Realtors are worried that the House Republican tax plan will gut incentives to buy homes and drive down home values.

In a letter last week to Congressional leaders, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) said the proposed Tax Reform Blueprint spearheaded by House Speaker Paul Ryan could result in “potentially devastating  problems” to the housing market.

A 35-page outline of the plan was released over the summer. The plan calls for standard federal deduction to be nearly doubled. Most itemized deductions, however, would be eliminated, including the deductions on state and local taxes paid.

The plan would preserve the mortgage-interest deduction, but assign the House Ways and Means committee to evaluate its provisions to make the incentive “more effective and efficient” in helping people achieve homeownership. The housing lobby is fearful that the deduction will be severely capped beyond the current limit on $1 million of mortgage debt and $100,000 on home equity debt.

In the letter, NAR said the totality of the Republican plan  “would have the unintended consequences of nullifying the long-standing tax incentives of owning a home.”

NAR said eliminating tax incentives on property could have […]

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