Wisconsin Republican Representative Sean Duffy

Wisconsin congressman and former Real World: Boston cast member Sean Duffy appeared on CNN Tuesday to defend the Trump administration’s fixation on the public safety threat presented by natives of seven specific majority-Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa. (No immigrant from those countries has ever carried out a terror attack in the United States.) CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota asked Duffy why the White House wasn’t expressing similar concerns about the threat presented by white extremists in light of last week’s murder of six Muslims by a white supremacist Trump supporter in Québec City. That’s when Duffy started doing something that is colloquially known down by the docks as “talking out of his ass.”

Camerota: Why isn’t the president talking about the white terrorists who mowed down six Muslims praying at their mosque?

Duffy: I don’t know. But I would just tell you there’s a difference, again, death and murder on both sides is wrong, but if you want to […]

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