Across the country, electric vehicle drivers are being hit with new fees to help pay for infrastructure costs.
Credit: Department of Energy.

Drivers of clean cars could be asked to pay special fees across almost half the country following a flurry of new state bills aimed at funding road improvements.

Lawmakers from a dozen primarily red states have introduced bills in the past few weeks to slap additional fees on drivers of electric or hybrid vehicles. The idea has come up before, and 10 states already have some version of the fees. But the interest this year is greater than ever before. (emphasis added)

The state debates feed into a national conversation about how to pay for much-needed repairs to the country’s roads. President Trump vowed during his address to Congress on Tuesday to spend $1 trillion in public and private funding to rebuild the nation’s “crumbling” infrastructure.

Electric vehicle advocates say they’re being punished and fear a chilling effect on sales of clean cars. Since 2013, Alleyn Harned, 36, has had to pay $64 a year […]

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