“If we want to give parents a real ‘choice’ of quality schools, we should invest in neighborhood public schools with a menu of proven policies.”
Credit: Joe Brusky/flickr
President Donald Trump, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) on Friday will tout school vouchers under the guise of providing “choice” to students—even as more research emerges that vouchers are no way to help children.
Trump is visiting the St. Andrew Catholic School in Orlando to promote his $20 billion proposal, which would use public education dollars to fund private schools, including religious ones—a tenet of the program that many say is unconstitutional. DeVos in particular is a strong proponent of voucher systems.
Protesters gathered early along his motorcade route Friday, including many members of Florida teachers’ unions. One woman held signs that read “Build schools, not the wall.”
“I know many people want their children to receive a religious education, but wasn’t the Constitution set on the separation of church and state? Why is […]