More than two hundred institutional investors worth the tidy sum of $15 trillion have just put the Trump Administration on notice that climate change has put their assets at risk. The notice comes in the form of a newly published letter to the G7 group of seven industrialized nations and the G20 group of 20 major economies. The letter comes at a time when President Trump could finally make good on his promise to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement — or not, as the case may be.
Pulling out of the Paris agreement was one of Trump’s campaign promises, though if he fails to deliver on that one it won’t make much of a difference to his core supporters, who already weathered a string of disappointments in the first 100 days of the new Administration.
Money Talks…About Climate Change
The new letter was organized under the umbrella of the sustainable investor group Ceres. It was signed by 214 companies and was published earlier today on the Ceres website.
Though addressed to the whole G7 and G20 groups, the letter aims straight at you-know-who:
…We urge all nations to stand by their commitments to the Agreement and to put in […]
No doubt climate change is causing severe damage, and the Quiet Sun is the main driver of this.
It’s pretty clear that the trillionaires are interested because the carbon tax would provide a huge slush fund they could use to further enrich themselves.