Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Back when Jeff Sessions was attorney general for Alabama instead of the entire United States, he pushed for a bill that would have established mandatory death sentences for individuals convicted of a second drug trafficking offense — even if the drug was as innocuous as marijuana.

While Sessions’ new directive as United States Attorney General doesn’t go that far, it is definitely a step in a draconian direction when it comes to American drug policy.

The memo, issued by Sessions on Wednesday, instructs prosecutors to “charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offense,” according to a report by The Washington Post. Sessions’ memo also immediately reverses a policy implemented by Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. in August 2013, one that ordered prosecutors to refrain from pursuing drug charges if doing so would trigger lengthy mandatory minimum sentences — and if the defendants did not belong to a gang, cartel, or other large-scale drug trafficking organization.

The goal of Holder’s policy was to begin to roll back the war on drugs, which […]

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