Donald Trump’s much-anticipated 2018 budget proposes steep cuts to domestic programs—including the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

According to an outline of the budget released last night, the proposal reiterates many of the cuts first rolled out by the administration earlier this year, including the elimination of the NEA and National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH). As usual, however, Congress remains intent on writing its own budget, so Trump’s plan is unlikely to go far on Capitol Hill. Trump’s proposal, CNN notes, is more a symbolic statement of policy than a practical budget that is expected to be adopted in full.

A spokesperson for the NEA confirms that the president’s 2018 budget proposes the elimination of the department, and includes a request for $29 million from Congress to shut down the agency in an orderly fashion. The spokesperson says that the organization is fully funded for the fiscal year, and will continue to make 2017 grant awards and “honor all obligated grant funds made to date.”

She adds: “This budget request is a […]

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