WASHINGTON — It’s not much of a report card. Half of Americans say U.S. schools are doing only a fair to poor job preparing kids for college and the work force. Even more feel that way about the skills kids need to survive as adults, an Associated Press poll released Friday finds. ‘A lot of kids, when they get out school, are kind of lost,’ said Jamie Norton, a firefighter in Gridley, Calif. ‘When you get out of high school, what are you educated to do?’ The views of the general population echo concerns from business and college leaders, who say they have to spend a lot of time and money on remedial education for people who completed high school but don’t have the skills to succeed at work or in higher education. Education ranks behind the economy and gas prices as a top issue for Americans, the survey said. However, nearly all those polled said the quality of a country’s education system has a big impact on a country’s overall economic prosperity. Education was generally viewed to be as important as health care and slightly ahead of the Iraq war. Among minority parents, education is […]

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