Saturday, August 5th, 2017
Stephan: I think it is very important that those who have a socially progressive world view recognize that the Great Schism Trend has reached a point where it is almost irreconcilable.
It is my view that Special Counsel Mueller could come forward with indictments from his grand juries and it will make not a whit of difference to the Christofascists who are the supporters of Trump.
They don't care what he does, as long as he supports the issues about which they are obsessed: control of women, White supremacy politics, and their fantasies about returning to an America (which never actually existed but they fantasize it did). In their ideal world women and people of color "know their place," men are dominant, and there should be no firewall between church and state so that America becomes a Christian kingdom.
You may think all of this is laughable but I assure you Trumpers will create civil violence over these issues. It is too early to be sure, but I am beginning to suspect that we are seeing the first steps in what I believe is the long term political and social trend of the United States: power devolves to the states and they go their different ways, with the Blue value states prospering, and the Red value states become ever more degraded and angry.
Trump at recent West Virginia rally
Credit: NBC
Ever since Inauguration Day, the public’s faith in the president has been eroding. According to the latest Gallup surveys, only about 38 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s performance, which is down roughly 5 points from February. Vox’s own polling, conducted in partnership with SurveyMonkey, shows a similar drop — from 46 percent at the outset of his term to 41 percent in July.
For the president’s critics, these slipping approval numbers seem like vindication. They show that Americans aren’t blind to the disorder in the White House — that at least some Trump supporters are second-guessing their president.
But what does this mean in practical terms? American politics, by design, has never perfectly followed public opinion. After all, Trump never had a majority of Americans rooting for him. He won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote. What’s important isn’t his popularity nationwide but his approval rate in key parts of the country.
Democrats, for one, hope that […]
Decentralization is the way to de-leverage corrupt evil control grid on this planet. Schism will lead to this path. Thank you Trump!