Scott Pruitt, who plays the role of Darth Vader in Trump’s Evil Empire, told an audience at the Kentucky Farm Bureau on Monday that he is in favor of ending all tax credits for wind and solar power as soon as possible. His statement makes his unwavering allegiance to gospel according to Charles and David Koch apparent for all to see.
“I would do away with these incentives that we give to wind and solar,” he told the assembled multitude. “I’d let them stand on their own and compete against coal and natural gas and other sources, and let utilities make real-time market decisions on those types of things as opposed to being propped up by tax incentives and other types of credits that occur, both in the federal level and state level.”
Fortunately, Pruitt is not in control of federal tax policy, but his words could carry weight with those serving in that august deliberative body. But The Trumpeter, having lost his war on the Affordable Care Act, is now threatening to blow up the US tax code to confer trillions in benefits upon America’s […]
If support for wind and solar are to be removed, then all energy subsidies should be. How about that generous oil depletion allowance?