Hot on the heels of the FCC’s net neutrality repeal, the UK Government has offered up a new regulation to classify internet access as a “legal right”
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The UK Government has just announced that from 2020, high-speed broadband will be considered a legal right for all its citizens, meaning service providers must offer access to any person that requests it.  (emphasis added) The announcement follows a proposal from BT, the UK’s largest telecommunications provider, to provide universal broadband coverage to all areas of the UK under a voluntary agreement. The Government, however, felt the importance of universal broadband access required a regulatory hand in the matter.

Called the Universal Service Obligation (USO), this regulation will be sketched out in detail over the coming months but the current announcement stipulates that everyone in the UK must have access to a broadband connection of at least 10 Mbps by 2020.

The move by the UK Government comes at an interesting time, literally days after the FCC in the United States repealed the Obama-era […]

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