Tuesday, February 20th, 2018
Stephan: We are just at the beginning of what I think is going to be one of the dominant trends of the 21st century, I am speaking here of migrations, particularly migrations due to either too much water or not enough water.
Migration estimates in the research papers suggest that if carbon emissions cause 4°C of warming as many as 760 million people will be on the move. As this report makes clear, just in terms of water, the logistics of dealing with these migrations is going to be an extraordinary challenge without massive social disruption.
Water is just the beginning, to it we must add food, medical care, sanitation, birth, and death. Here's the story of where we stand at the moment. It is going to get much much worse.
The U.S. environmental and disaster response policies currently in place are completely inadequate to the tasks they will face, and we are going to be left negligently unprepared.
As a result unless a culture recognizes that we are all in it together the racial tribal problems that are bad now are going to get much worse. Creating further social disruption.
Wake up America. Vote. And Vote Democratic. It is not that the Democrats are right, or not themselves overly corrupted. But Trump is the alternative. And if you don't think there has been no difference between Obama and Trump then we live in different worlds.
Water Refugee kids
Credit: Randall Hackley
Behind barbed-wire fences at this camp in northern Jordan, about 33,000 Syrians—half of them children—exist uneasily, housed in rows of rudimentary shelters that barely protect them from the winter cold.
Drinking water must be brought in daily by dozens of tanker trucks or pumped from desert boreholes that overexploit Jordan’s largest groundwater basin.
As in Jordan, the world’s refugee crisis, which is intimately linked with water availability both in the homelands that people escape and in the camps where they find shelter, is large and growing. Some 66 million people—a France-sized population—are displaced.
An estimated 28,300 refugees a day across the globe flee conflict and persecution, the relief agency UNHCR said. Fifty-five percent come from just three countries: Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Syria, which the World Bank says has endured the largest refugee crisis since World War II with more than half the country’s pre-war population having left their homes since 2011.
Now, with many Syrians in their seventh winter of displacement, hosting and supporting 650,000 registered refugees costs the Jordanian […]
Voting is the single worst thing one can do, by voting you give your spiritual and physical permission to these psychopaths and you give away your power. Your internal power is the one thing that cannot be taken away unless you give it and they trick you into handing it over at the ballot box every time you vote. I would say, wake up people..don’t vote. As long as you are caught in this cycle of “the other side is worse or it is the lesser of evils”, things will continue to degrade for everyone except those who pull your strings. Humans are wired for pattern recognition..haven’t you noticed a pattern going on here?? Politics is a scam…red or blue. Don’t you wonder why there is never a third option, or a fourth? Because it is no choice at all, except to give away your power.
And your plans for goverance are? You always say the same thing in this regard much of which I agree with but then what? Perfection does not exist in this world and has been the inspiration for violence. I’m looking for good enough.
Will — What are my plans for governance, you ask? The answer is simple. Create social policies that are compassionate, life-affirming, and fostering of wellbeing — The Theorem of Wellbeing. Who does that you ask? Look at the Nordic countries. Look at the social outcome data that flows from those policies. Could we do it in the United States? Of course we could.
— Stephan
Will, that is a perfectly logical question & thanks for asking. To that I respond, why do you need to be governed? Are you not smart enough, generous enough and capable enough to think for yourself, help your neighbor and contribute to your community? My guess is you are. Returning to a community model where everyone has a stake in the success of the whole community and the community governs itself..is not only possible..it is the way humans lived for tens of thousands of years or possibly hundreds of thousands of years…far longer than so called civilization – with nations, laws and rulers. We must re-examine and re-educate ourselves on our past ways of life so we can evolve forward into a much more harmonious, interconnected way of being. A tall task for sure, but government is not getting us there or anywhere we want or need to be.
I could not disagree with you more Mark. In a democracy, even one as corrupted as ours, voting is how you create change.
— Stephan
Yes, I understand. I am trying to get across the point that problems don’t get solved by the same level of consciousness that created the problems in the first place. Voting for Democrats is voting for the very people who helped create the mess we are in today. I understand that lefties think conservatives or the Trump clown are responsible for horrific policies and crimes against humanity. Likewise conservative decry the policies and crimes of the left and Obama. They are both correct. What must occur is an evolution of consciousness, and that is not coming the Democrats unless you consider lying, cheating and stealing as higher consciousness..if so, then we don’t have anything else to discuss for sure. Urging people to vote contributes to inhibiting people from regaining their own power to make real changes instead of giving it away to crooked leaders who wreck our system and our planet. I know that people who vote or advocate voting , especially everyone smart enough to read this site, are of good intention..but this is a result of brainwashing and a belief system that keeps everyone in low consciousness giving away their personal power. I am challenging people to move beyond the cultural programming of the left-right paradigm because this is what is destroying everything we hold precious.
I apologize if I seem inflammatory, repetitive and controversial at times; however, I wish for everyone to think about the foundations of their belief systems because this can lead to new and better ways of operating in these challenging times. I would not post here if I did not appreciate the overall quality of the Stephan’s work or appreciate the good intentions of everyone here looking to better our people and planet. This is a very worthwhile site and a very rare forum.
First of all Stephan I was responding to Mark. I think I share a lot of your views.
Regarding Mark’s points; there are too many of us and our world too complex for such a simple solution. Though without question it needs to be part of the whole.