Monday, February 19th, 2018
Stephan: I think you should pay attention to this, particularly if you a non-Caucasian. I noticed when I came back from China a few months go that a well-dressed man in this thirties who was of Middle Eastern heritage was taken aside. Recently I have had two people tell me quite alarming border stories, that either happened to them, or that they saw happen. And another reader sent me this story. Entering the United States, as anyone who travels knows is, and is designed to be, intimidating.
I think the assessment in this piece is a little extreme but no question, this is the trend under the Trump administration. Donald Trump is a racist, and so are many of the people he has chosen to have around him. They are doing everything they can to impose racist immigration policies. This is yet another reason why the 2018 election is so important.
The fact that Elon Musk is an immigrant from "one of those shithole countries," and that entrepreneurs are wildly disproportionately immigrants, 71% of start up businesses were either started by immigrants or have immigrants in the founding group doesn't register with racists. Just as immigrant physicians and nurses are disproportionally the critical medical staff at rural hospitals.
The strength of America, in my view, is precisely that we are all immigrants. America was an idea not a tribe. You came to America, you signed for the idea, your ethnicity faded into the background of family life, or disappeared altogether. The White tribalism that has infected our the country is deeply destructive of our wellbeing.
A public domain image of a US Customs and Border Patrol agent in an airport.
A few months ago I wrote about how you can encrypt your entire life in less than an hour. Well, all the security in the world can’t save you if someone has physical possession of your phone or laptop, and can intimidate you into giving up your password.
And a few weeks ago, that’s precisely what happened to a US citizen returning home from abroad.
On January 30th, Sidd Bikkannavar, a US-born scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory flew back to Houston, Texas from Santiago, Chile.
On his way through the airport, Customs and Border Patrol agents pulled him aside. They searched him, then detained him in a room with a bunch of other people sleeping in cots. They eventually returned and said they’d release him if he told them the password to unlock his phone.
Bikkannavar explained that […]
Yes, yet another data point showing the U.S. government is a criminal enterprise. They are in violation of the very laws they are charged to uphold. Scary.