Donald Trump Jr. arrived in India on Tuesday for a week-long visit, and his trip has already revealed a couple of things.
First, it’s clear that the Trump administration is still embroiled in huge conflicts of interest. And second, it’s evident that the Trump brand, though toxic at home, commands surprising power in the world’s second most populous country.
President Trump’s eldest son will be spending his time in India promoting Trump-branded luxury apartments across the country. He’ll be meeting with real estate brokers and potential buyers throughout the week in his family business’s biggest market outside the US.
He’s also offering a special reward to Indians who buy property from him: He’ll join them for an intimate meal.
Indian newspapers have been running advertisements that promise homebuyers willing to pay a roughly $38,000 booking fee an opportunity to “join Mr. Donald Trump Jr. for a conversation and dinner.”
Government ethics experts in the US are appalled by that prospect, and say that the arrangement encourages […]
Isn’t this clearly illegal? How is it no one has arrest, trial, impeachment, jail, restitution proceedings underway? Most jobs in America, his behaviours would lead to 1. No position or 2. Fired.
As one of the Trump’s sons said when dad was accused of being racist, “my dad is the least racist person I know the only color he sees is green.” Oh, how true, corrupt and driven to the core by greed. He seems to embody the worst of America with the continual grasping for wealth and profit over anything else, praise the lord!