For years, consumers have benefitted from access to cheap, safe, and effective CBD oil supplements. But now the FDA says that CBD is a drug, not a supplement—a drug which will be sold for $32,500 a year.
Legally the FDA could at any time remove all CBD supplements from the market, on its own volition, or if the drug company which holds drug market exclusivity requests FDA do so. Unless we change the rules, we may see a government-sponsored monopoly on CBD oil, and in the near future, additional monopolies on other cheap, safe, and effective supplements.
This is happening because of a back-channel that allows natural supplements to be turned into drugs by the FDA.
It works like this: if a company is investigating a substance as a drug, FDA rules give the company market exclusivity on that substance—even if it is currently being sold as a supplement.
There are two exceptions: if the supplement was “marketed in or as a dietary supplement” before 1994, or if a supplement company has filed a “new supplement” notification with the FDA before the company’s investigation began. (Recall, […]
Another indicator of the declining intelligence of our age. Why would anyone think this was a good idea?
The ongoing use of “science” in the pursuit of profits and destruction of wellbeing. Scientific, logical, evidence based data applied with compassion to foster wellbeing in the natural and human world is needed for our very survival. I often wonder if human civilization survives another 50 years what will those people think of this period because to me it looks like the dark ages.
I don’t think you need to look much farther than the opioid epidemic to see the clear corruptability of the FDA. I think this is a situation where, Stephan might agree, that the states must take the lead, as they already have in many cases. The double edged sword of capitalism might also help in this case, as there are already very large investments being made in canabis operations all accross the country, which might be a powerful source of resistance to the FDA’s rulings. Just food for thought; trying to keep some optimism in this climate.