ARRIAGA, MEXICO – OCTOBER 26: Dozens of migrants rest in a train pass in the city of Arriaga, this as part of the migrant carvan of thousands of people who cross Mexico to reach the northern border. The caravan of the Central Americans plans to eventually reach the United States. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has threatened to cancel the recent trade agreement with Mexico and to withhold aid to the Central American countries if the caravan does not stop before reaching the United States.
Credit: Cristopher Rogel Blanquet/Getty

Militia groups and far-right activists are gearing up to head to the Mexican border to try to stop a migrant caravan from entering the United States, as conservatives and the far-right escalate their warnings about the supposed dangers it poses.

Earlier this week, the U.S. Border Patrol warned landowners in Texas that they could expect “possible armed civilians” on their property because of the news about the caravan. The exact details of when and where the militia would deploy are […]

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