Patients waiting for transplants could one day have genetically modified pig organs, after Chinese scientists found a way to transform ordinary cells from the animals into powerful stem cells. They have successfully reprogrammed cells taken from a pig’s ear and bone marrow into an embryo-like state with the potential to form every type of body tissue. pigs The world’s first cloned pigs from genetically modified cells were created in 2001. The latest discovery brings pig transplant organs a step closer The researchers were led by Xiao Lei from the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. In an article published in the Journal of Molecular Cell Biology they described how they transformed cells by using a cocktail of chemicals introduced via a virus. Dr Xiao said pig organs are a potentially ideal for transplants because they are similar in function and size to those found in humans. He said: ‘The research could open the way to creating models for human genetic diseases, genetically engineering animals for organ transplants for humans, and for developing pigs that are resistant to diseases such as swine flu.’ They may also be used to improve farming, by making […]

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