Tuesday, May 7th, 2019
Constitutional Crisis
Author: Stephan A. Schwartz
Source: The Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 7 May 2019
Link: Constitutional Crisis
Source: The Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 7 May 2019
Link: Constitutional Crisis
Stephan: When the Founders wrote the Constitution and created impeachment they specifically had in mind exactly the situation we face today: a president who came into office through the agency of a foreign power, with which he cooperated.
Although there seems to be remarkably little concern or even understanding of what is happening at the top of the federal government of the United States, the reality is we are now in a Constitutional crisis unlike any in American history. Donald Trump and the Republican Party are attempting to restructure our democracy and void our Constitution. We have never before been in a situation like this and, so, I am dedicating today's SR to some of the major issues.
Some of these tropes: We now have two cabinet officers, the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury who at defying the Congress. We have a president who is laying track for staying in office regardless of election outcomes, and the president is telling former members of his administration to ignore Congressional subpoenas.
We need millions of people out in the streets, in order to give the Democrats the backbone they need to do their duty; the Republicans have completely abandoned their sense of duty. This is not about politics. If Trump gets away with this from this day forward a president, any president, can do as they like without fear of any opposing force. That would mean the end of democracy in America, and we would become overtly a fascist state.
Don't stand around with your thumb in your mouth. Speak up, stand up.
Just saw online article that Gallop says trump’s ratings are up to 46%. WTF what is happening to my country?! The land of the free, the home of the brave is rapidly devolving into deeper chaos and self-delusion marked by rampant greed and hostility. Each new low is followed by a newer low of unconstitutional governance or lack there of. I find it exceedingly tiring, I can’t give it any more of my anger, too draining, this fever will have to run its course.
Meanwhile the Dems are determined to lose in 2020 with the circular firing squad approach to campaigning and promoting ancient Joe as the front runner. Is this the chickens coming home to roost after 70+ years of running roughshod over the planet causing massive death and destruction. Since no outside force can defeat us we unconsciously need to do it on our own to settle the karmic debt.
Read How Democracies Die
It appears the Revolution has already started. I just hope it does not include bloodshed, but things must change, and they will change; one way or another.