Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has tackled climate change in three key proposals.
Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has released not one, but three climate change plans as part of her campaign for president. So far.

Since April, she has outlined an agenda to counter growing greenhouse gas emissions and rising average temperatures through policies for public landsthe military, and US manufacturing. And more are in the works, according to her campaign.

Warren’s approach also frames climate change as an issue of economic justice. Speaking at the first Democratic presidential debate, Warren said that the economy is doing well, but only for a narrow slice of the country. “It’s great for giant oil companies that want to drill everywhere,” she said. “Just not the rest of us who are watching climate change bear down on all of us.”

Her piecemeal approach is distinct from the other Democratic candidates who’ve released climate proposals as a comprehensive bundle. Chief among them is Washington Gov. Jay […]

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