The skies are emptying out.
The number of birds in the United States and Canada has fallen by 29 percent since 1970, scientists reported on Thursday. There are 2.9 billion fewer birds taking wing now than there were 50 years ago.
The analysis, published in the journal Science, is the most exhaustive and ambitious attempt yet to learn what is happening to avian populations. The results have shocked researchers and conservation organizations.
In a statement on Thursday, David Yarnold, president and chief executive of the National Audubon Society, called the findings “a full-blown crisis.”
Experts have long known that some bird species have become vulnerable to extinction. But the new study, based on a broad survey of more than 500 species, reveals steep losses even among such traditionally abundant birds as robins and sparrows.
There are likely many causes, the most important of which include habitat loss and wider use of pesticides. “Silent Spring,” Rachel Carson’s prophetic book in 1962 about the […]
In beautifully wooded central NC I have observed this situation for myself. The last 3 or so years have been the most dramatic in the disappearance of insects and birds. My dog Zak and I frequent a large local lake seeing fewer birds of all sorts particularly small ones. This year is the worst with virtually no birds of any kind on the lake. Until this year numbers of gulls, ducks, herons and others would be seen in flocks on he water, this year none. It is heartbreaking to be out in this beautiful natural place that is so empty and quiet.
Our world is dying while the national conversation devolves into needless Trumpian conflict, chaos, cruelty, corruption and deeper immersion in screens. Currently the big money and big minds are focused on finding another world to inhabit maybe Mars. This is it folks there is no other place to go. We will live for die on planet Earth lets pull together as we have in war time to make the necessary changes to renew our only home.
When I went up my ladder to harvest grapes last week, about 20-25 Sparrows took in flight from the top of my grape vine. I see no difference here where I live. I even have birds living on my house up on top of the wood which holds the roof up had a large nest there, and there is bird droppings all over my front porch. I have so many birds I can’t get rid of them. I appreciate the things they do though like eat some of the bugs in my garden, so I cannot complain.