The American Meteorological Society released the results of a survey of TV meteorologists gauging their opinions on climate change. With a full 50% of respondents disagreeing that man is responsible for global warming, the survey indicates continuing cracking in the ‘consensus’ of the manmade climate change theory. The survey results, published in the October 2009 issue of ‘Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society’ (BAMS), show that a significant portion of meteorologists continue to doubt that man is the driving force of climate change. When asked about the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) statement that ‘Most of the warming since 1950 is very likely human-induced,’ a full 50% either disagree or strongly disagree. 25% were neutral and a mere 24% said they agreed or strongly agreed. Similarly, meteorologists doubt the very global climate models on which the anthropogenic global warming theory is based. These models have been shown to be incapable of predicting historical climate changes and their predictions continue to fall outside of scientific norms. Reflecting this, 52% of the meteorologists disagreed with that statement that ‘Global climate models are reliable in their projections for a warming of the planet.’ A mere 19% said they agreed […]

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