Donald Trump listens to other leaders make a point during the G7 meeting in Canada
in June 2019. Credit: Handout/Getty 

Donald Trump has been forced to cancel a planned face-to-face summit of G7 leaders in June and now wants to host an expanded meeting in September dedicated to countering China, to which Vladimir Putin would be invited.

Trump revealed on Saturday that he had cancelled the June meeting, which he had billed as a symbol of the US “transitioning back to greatness”, after the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, told him in a phone call that she saw the summit in Washington DC as a health risk. Hundreds of security staff, journalists and officials also attend the two-day summits.

Reports suggest the call between Merkel and Trump on Thursday was stormy, ranging over German plans for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelineHong Kong, and the potential health risks of a face-to-face summit.

US awol from world stage as China tries on global leadership for size

Trump’s new plan, outlined to reporters on Saturday, is to host an expanded G7 meeting including […]

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