New Zealand Government Considers Easing Of COVID Alert Level Restrictions
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to media. Credit: Hagen Hopkins/Getty

Due to a mixture of strict quarantine, travel restrictions and widespread testing, New Zealand has reported no new coronavirus cases for 17 days and has no active cases. The country plans to lift nearly all of its restrictions Tuesday.

Due to a mixture of strict quarantine, travel restrictions and widespread testing, New Zealand has reported no new coronavirus cases for 17 days and has no active cases. The country plans to lift nearly all of its restrictions Tuesday.


The last community-transmitted case occurred 40 days ago and New Zealand hospitals currently have no Covid-19 cases.

Beginning Tuesday, the country will allow schools and offices to reopen with no limitations on domestic travel or gathering size, though international travel remains restricted, per CNN

“This freedom from restrictions relies though heavily on the ongoing role that our border controls will play in keeping the virus out,” said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at a Monday press conference.”The virus will be in our world for some time to come.” 

New Zealand had one of the toughest and earliest lockdowns: […]

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