Perhaps it is because I research and publish the daily Schwartzreport. The many stories I have done on climate change have certainly sensitized me to what is happening. Maybe it’s just curiosity, or maybe it’s fear. Whatever the reason, as I travel now I find myself looking around and thinking: what will be the impact of climate change on this community? I notice how they are dealing with the homeless, because migration is going to be a big deal, so this trend is only going to get worse. What’s the food situation like? How good are the bridges? How do they handle sanitation demands at large events? It is going to be a huge problem. And all of it impacts, most particularly, health care.

In the United States on 30 January 2020, a Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control confirmed the first human-to-human transmission of the virus in the country, a 60 year old man returning from Wuhan, China, the center of the outbreak.1 A few hours later The World Health Organization declared the fast-spreading outbreak a global health […]

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