Trump and Obama

In an interview with the Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky, Simon Rosenberg of the liberal think tank NDN, explained that there is statistical proof that Americans prosper under Democratic presidents which should be a major selling point as the November election nears.

As Tomasky notes, the traditional view of the major political parties is that Republicans, as the party of big business — are stronger on economics, but hard numbers don’t show that to be true.

Writing, “Polls typically find that people trust Democrats more on all the things that government does, which stands to reason, but trust Republicans more on handling the economy. Just last week I saw a poll in which respondents rated Biden as better equipped than Trump to handle race relations, the virus response, and two or three other things; but on the economy, Trump bested Biden 51-46,” Tomasky then turned to Rosenberg.

According to a presentation Rosenberg has prepared that uses numbers dating back to 1989, “The economy does better—far better—when we have Democratic presidents. In terms of job creation, […]

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