The Boogaloo movement, the civilian-run militia, has now infiltrated the U.S. military, VICE News reported Wednesday. Members of the military take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” but the Boogaloo movement wants to overthrow the American government and start a second “Civil War.”

The word “Boogaloo” is used as a code for “civil war,” which is gaining steam at anti-mask and anti-lockdown protests.

The discovery was made when Facebook groups and online networks used by anti-government militia members started to grow with active-duty military members of all branches and a variety of positions.

“Some of the most active online boogaloo communities are on Discord, a platform popular among gamers,” wrote Vice. “There, members have been discussing ways to co-opt protests against racism and police brutality to advance their own agenda. And current or former military have chimed in with their expertise, from the best gas masks to military-grade firearms,” screen captures show.

“I was not particularly surprised to see current and former military members involved in […]

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