A voter in Michigan.
Credit: Shutterstock

It’s official: 1,913,369 ballots were cast but never counted in the 2016 presidential race. That’s from the US Elections Assistance Commission.

And not just anyone’s ballot gets tossed into the electoral dumpster. The US Civil Rights Commission took a look at Florida’s throw-away pile and calculated that your chance of having your vote simply go uncounted, “spoiled,” is 900% higher if you’re Black than if you’re white.

Trump’s call for an army of 50,000 vigilantes is laughable: some schmuck in a Hawaiian shirt and MAGA cap won’t scare off voters of color. But 50,000 challengers, challenging every single ballot for Biden – that could succeed. It did for Trump in Michigan in 2016.

Here’s how Michigan – and so the Presidency – was stolen four years ago.

This little chapter from How Trump Stole 2020 tells you how they did it in 2016 … and can do it again in 2020:

Michigan Michigass

Here’s what you know: In 2016, Donald Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes. Officially.

Here’s what you don’t know: 75,355 ballots were never counted. That’s official, too. Just “spoilage,” […]

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