The Pentagon’s ever-expanding military budget ruins creativity and pollutes good leadership, argues retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson — a fierce critic of the ‘military-industrial complex.’ Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty

In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower cautioned the United States against “unwarranted influence” — what he saw as an alarming alignment of corporate interests with military operations, a relationship he famously called: “the military-industrial complex.”

Since then, the term has largely been taken up by the political left in its critique of America’s militarism, and how vast military expenditures end up creating conflicts they’re supposed to resolve.

But Col. Lawrence Wilkerson is firmly on the political right. He spent over 30 years in the U.S. Army, was chief of staff for former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, and is a lifelong Republican. 

Today we have become what Eisenhower’s worst nightmare predicted in his farewell address.- Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

He believes that Eisenhower was right, and is a fierce critic of the military-industrial complex. Or what he calls “the warfare state,” an obvious play on “welfare state.” He believes military spending has become an ideological […]

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