Since the end of World War II, the United States of America has been both a beacon of freedom and a moral leader for the world.  While that reputation has been declining in recent years, the current Republican leaders have chosen to totally abrogate any sense of ethical responsibility. The damage extends far beyond our geographic boundaries and is especially detrimental in developing nations.

For decades America has held itself out as a model of how democracies should function.  The concepts of one-person one-vote, the majority wins, the rule of law, and equal protection for all were pillars of our established form of governance.  Many people also believed that, while not perfect, America was exceptional and always striving to meet the high standards laid out by the founders.  Other countries, we thought, should follow this sterling example.  

It is acknowledged that democracies are messy, but by dialogue and compromise, we moved forward and worked in the best interests of all citizens. As a process, democratization brought learning, with lessons that cannot be injected into societies not sufficiently advanced […]

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