Heather Segal, a Canadian immigration lawyer, says she has gotten far more inquiries from U.S. citizens this year than ever before, and most of them have come from Jews
Credit: Segal/JTA

By 11:42 a.m. on the morning after Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacists during the presidential debate, Heather Segal had received four inquiries from Americans interested in moving to Canada. Two of them were Jewish.

Segal, an immigration lawyer in Toronto, knows there’s always a spike in inquiries during US election years. But in her 25 years of experience, it’s never been as big as it is now.

In 2016, she said, she received a couple dozen inquiries, total, from Americans looking to move to Canada. This year, she gets six or seven inquiries every day. And most of them, she said, are from Jews.“

In my life, I have never seen what I’m seeing,” said Segal, who is herself Jewish. She said she hears the same fears from one Jewish American after another.“

What they echo to me: ‘We’ve seen this before,’” Segal said. “‘I’m not going to get stuck. I’m not […]

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