A man carries a tattered “Trump 2020” flag as supporters of President Donald Trump rally outside the governor’s mansion on November 14 in St. Paul, Minnesota. 
 Stephen Maturen/Getty

President Donald Trump’s unfounded allegations of voter fraud and unwillingness to concede the election are seriously affecting how some Republicans are interpreting the results.

According to a new survey from Vox and Data for Progress, 73 percent of likely Republican voters say that the allegations of voter fraud have made them question Joe Biden’s victory, a statement that 44 percent of all likely voters agreed with as well. Similarly, 75 percent of likely Republican voters said they believed voter fraud took place during the election that benefitted Biden, something that 43 percent of likely voters overall also stated.

Trump’s refusal to concede the election has significant support from members of his party, too.

A majority of likely Republican voters — 65 percent — agreed with Trump’s decision not to concede despite the fact that media outlets have called the election for Biden. And 69 percent of likely Republican voters felt that Trump […]

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